
i used an assortment of brushes, layers, and scanned images to make the foot. i wanted it to be a collage effect. i folded the textured paper to create a fan like effect. i layered sequins and ink brushes to fill the shoe. i also created a drip effect to make the illustration look more realistic

final face

after i continued to layer up the pink splatter brushes i decided to begin the face. at first i tried using pentool and simple brushes to draw the facial shapes however it didn't look right. the lines looked to artificial. i looked closely at kat's work and i realised her facial features where very simple and fine so i decided to draw the eyes in pencil and lips and scan them to the computer. i then played around with the lips, as adding a red lipstick was a predominant feature in kat's work, and also david downton's. i played around with leaving the lip lines, but decided to just use the red brush lines as it looked less "harsh"

Bodice and Hair

i also added extra spills and splatters around the bodice, to make it look more realistic and creative. for the hair i wanted to incorporate a bold bright colour so i decided i wanted to use shades of pink. originally i wanted to have long flowy hair, however i found that a simple hair line with an illustrator ink brush and layers of pink splatter ink and pink circles looked very effective and represented kat's work.

black bodice ink

i decided i didnt like the solo sequins and wanted to do something more like kat mcleod's work. i used a photoshop ink brush and created them into separate files and layered them ontop of eachother to create an artwork. i then formed a sqaure of layered ink dots and made a clipping mask in illustrator to the bodice. i then used single dots and new ink spills over the top of the bodice to make it look for spontaneous and changed their opacities and sizes

Placing the fabric

I scanned in the fabric, placed it over the body. i duplicated the layer and changed the opacity of the top layer to create a overlay skirt. i rotated the fabric to make it look more 'flowy' and realistic


the first attempt at creating a bodice was to make a sequin accented piece. i scanned in the sequins and traced around one of them in photoshop, saved it and removed the white background. i then placed this image in illustrator and saved as a symbol and duplicated the sequins and overlapped them to create a scattered sequin look.

scanned in materials


the next step i took was to scan in random pieces of textured paper, normal paper, sequins, beads and pinched chiffon in order to add to the collage element of my illustration. the chiffon was the hardest to manipulate as when i placed it on the scanner it would move, and looked different once pressed up on the glass. some of the beads were also to scan in due to shadowing which was very frustrating as it made it hard to lasso tool or select cleanly in photoshop. however i found it was a lot better to scan in my own pieces as images on the internet were very pixelated and small.


at this point i want to base my personal illustration on Kat Mcleod's work, as she is my favourite illustrator. using pentool i have created basic shapes to act as the basis of my illustration. the pelvic area and torso looks a bit distorted, however i think i want to scan in fabric (like kats work) to create a flowy dress therefore it wont matter because the material will cover the weird shapes!

Starting off

This is the model image i decided to begin with. i chose this as i like the defined shapes of the body, specifically the legs. i also like the idea of the possible movement i could create in the garment as she is moving. at the moment im not too happy about her hair. i think i would prefer to change this to flowy long hair using an array of brushes

antonio lopez

i have chosen antonio as he is one of the illustrator greats, his work is exceptional and his variety of materials makes his work interesting. i love his colour palettes and shading, his work looks rather realistic

david downton

i chose david downton because i think his work is amazing, artistic and in a way looks so simplistic yet is so detailed and difficult to master.


i came across kat mcleod's work in 2009 whilst in year 12, in a issue of Frankie magazine and i immediately fell in love with her work and style. i really like the collage element, different textures and sketch look. i feel that her work creates a "crafty" feel and adds a creative dimension. i would like to use elements of her work such as sketch elements, fabric and scanned in sequins etc
i also like the "deliberate messy" feel of her work, and would like to incorporate this into my format for the fold out, for example torn paper, spilt ink


Kat Macleod
David Downtown
Antonio Lopez

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